Unexpected discharges, urgent patient needs, etc. we know how frustrating it can be waiting for a provider to sign off on a request. We do our best to respond within the same business day.
We will see your Medicaid and charity care patients. If there is medical need, we will provide care.
Sometimes achieving the best functional outcome requires time. In these situations, we are happy to assist our patients and advocate for them with insurance companies to get them the time they need through the peer to peer review process.
Often patients are suffering from pain that prevents them from fully participating in therapy. To help patients make the most of their limited therapy days, we are happy to provide our pain management services. Not only do we order pain medications, but we also perform joint injections so as to avoid a trip to Ortho just for an injection, saving the patient and facility time and money and expediting treatment of pain.
A full evaluation note or progress note can take valuable time to read. Our visitation summary email quickly brings the rehab staff and nursing staff up to speed on what we did/observed in each patient. Furthermore, these emails are very effective in alerting the facility to small patient issues, before they grow into large issues.
DON, DOR, and administrator are given the direct cell phone and email address for at least 2 providers.
We aim to integrate with the existing team and do our best to attend UR meetings.
We speak your language! A healthcare provider who speaks the language of your patient is just a phone call away.
Given the nature of our work we have gained a fair amount of experience in helping patients dealing with Post-Acute Covid Syndrome work through the variety of sequelae